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Regular Links Cordyceps sinensis is seen as a very precious medicinal mushroom in China and other Asian countries. For over 2000 years, Cordyceps sinensis has been used as a tonic, to increase health and vitality, combat aging and prevent various (age-related) diseases. Cordyceps sinensis is used in traditional Chinese medicine to benefit the working of the kidney and lung meridians. The strengthening of these meridians is said to strengthen the body, making it resilliant against fatigue, night sweats, lower back-pain, decreased libido, impotence, hyperglycemia, severe exhaustion, respiratory disease, cardiovascular disease, kidney disease and even liver diseases. Cordyceps sinensis has been used medicinally in China for over 2000 years, but has only officially been classified as a medicine in Chinese medicine since 1964. This website is dedicated to the almost magically healthy mushroom Cordyceps sinensis. But there are other types of Cordyceps, and this fascinating video shows how – as good news as Cordyceps are for humans – quite the opposite is true for insects. The “killer fungus” infects insects, kills them, and turns them into a source of food! ... Listing Page | is your ultimate resource for everything related to herbal detox teas. We offer a wide range of articles, in-depth reviews, and easy-to-follow recipes to help you incorporate natural detox teas into your daily routine. Whether you're looking for expert advice on the best detox teas, exploring their health benefits, or searching for delicious herbal tea recipes to cleanse and rejuvenate your body, provides valuable insights and recommendations for a healthier, balanced lifestyle. ... Listing Page | At Casa de Sante, we make gut friendly foods safe for people with sensitive tummies and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Our all natural plant based products are gluten & lactose free, contain no onion or garlic, additives, preservatives or fillers. Our products are laboratory tested and certified low FODMAP by FODMAP Friendly. FODMAPs are fermentable carbohydrates which cause digestive discomfort in the 10-15% of Americans with IBS. Our low FODMAP certified products are a lifesaver for people have who stressed over shopping and eating for many years, enabling them to eat with confidence. Our low FODMAP certified range includes salsa, sauce, salad dressings, seasonings, supplements, protein and meal replacement shakes. We also sell FODMAP Dietitian approved products, and provide a number of free resources for the low FODMAP diet including apps, recipes, cookbooks and more. Our low FODMAP weekly diet plans are developed by Akanksha Gilbertson, MS, CNS, a board certified nutrition specialist, who has worked in a clinical setting with chronic IBS patients using the low FODMAP approach with much success. She has also collaborated with Australia's Monash University team (who founded the low FODMAP diet) on research papers during her masters at UCLA. Our free low FODMAP cookbook recipes are developed by Jody Garlick, RD, LDN, a Digestive Health Expert and Owner at South Hills Nutrition. Jody is an integrative and functional nutritionist specializing in digestive and autoimmune disorders. ... Listing Page | EterniTea started from a simple conversation between two single mothers who realized how often they forgot to take their daily vitamins. With the early morning tasks of starting the day preparing breakfast, gathering the kids for daycare and school, and then rushing off to work, taking vitamins were the least of their worries. Knowing how essential vitamins are to their daily nutrition, these two mothers pondered on an easier way they could incorporate vitamins into their daily routine without it being another thing to add on their already long list of to do's. Then, it dawned on them TEA... it was a necessity! Every morning, just before their little ones would awaken they would have a cup of tea. It had a way of taking them to a calm place during their hectic days. Tea can relax your mind and your body. It can also help with anxiety and stress. With that being said, these two moms came up with a way to get the daily vitamins necessary to maintain proper health while simply enjoying a cup of tea. With each all natural ingredient personally blended and hand packed with love, we would like to welcome you to your cup of peace and relaxation. Welcome to EterniTea!! Premium White Tea: Contains the same type of antioxidants as green tea, but in greater quantity. These antioxidants are found to have many health promoting properties including boosting cardiovascular health, helping to lower cholesterol, reducing the risk of cancer and enhancing weight loss. ... Listing Page | Seit rund 4000 Jahren ist die heilende Wirkung von Kreuzkummel bekannt, auch die Agypter und Romer vertrauten auf die vielfaltigen Anwendungsmoglichkeiten des Naturprodukts. Heute werden Tropfen der Heilpflanze aus dem asiatischen Raum insbesondere zur Gewichtskontrolle, bei Verdauungsschwierigkeiten und zur Unterstutzung der Entgiftung erfolgreich eingesetzt. Die heilsame Wirkung der atherischen Ole im Kreuzkummel ist heutzutage vielen Menschen ein Begriff, in Apotheken und in Online-Shops ist die Bestellung des auch in der Kuche beliebten Gewurzstoffs moglich. Daher hat man es als Konsument schwer, sich fur das richtige Produkt zu entscheiden. Da die Einnahme der wichtigsten Bestandteile des Kreuzkummel vom Korper in flussiger Form am schnellsten und direktesten aufgenommen werden kann, lautet die beste Losung fur viele: VISIOLAN Kreuzkummel Extrakt Der zusatzliche, grundsatzlich unbedenkliche Konsum darf jedoch weder eine arztliche Behandlung noch eine notwendige Medikamenteneinnahme ersetzen. Das hochwertige, vom Korper gut resorbierbare und wasserlosliche Extrakt enthalt als Naturprodukt weder kunstliche Zusatzstoffe noch Koffein oder andere aufputschende Substanzen. Die Einnahme der Tropfen ist leicht und unproblematisch. 3 mal taglich 5 Tropfen Taglich des Extrakts in einem Getrank nach Wahl reichen bereits, um von den vielfaltigen Wirkungen zu profitieren. Sie erhalten das Kreuzkummelextrakt in einer dunklen Glasflasche, die das Produkt vor Licht schutzt und so die Haltbarkeit gewahleistet und die Frische verlangert. Das Produkt besteht aus Kreuzkummel in Premiumqualitat. Fur die Herstellung des Extrakts benutzen wir ausschließlich reinen und qualitativ hochwertigen Kreuzkummel. Die Herstellung des Extraktes erfolgt nach GMP (good manufacturing practice) Zertifizierungsstandard. Zusatzlich ist es durch das Swiss Quality Testing kontrolliert und zertifiziert! Unser Kreuzkummel entstammt biologisch-dynamischer Landwirtschaft, der gesamte Produktionsprozess entspricht den hochsten Qualitatsstandards fur Lebensmittel und befindet sich unter standiger Kontrolle eines Lebensmitteltechnikers. Bitte sprechen Sie uns zu Fragen rund um den Herstellungsprozess gerne an! ... Listing Page |