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Dry Cleaning New Jersey

Title: Dry Cleaning New Jersey
URL: https://www.impressservice.com/
Description: We offer the finest services for your wash & fold needs. Our convenient pick-up and delivery service is just amazing. Others online laundry services will charge you extra for hypoallergenic soaps, separation, detergent, softeners & bleach, Not us! How convenient is that? The process is simply toss your clothes in any bag and we take care of the rest. We offer extra fast, prompt, value centered, reliable, and unbeatable delivery services to meet your unique timely needs. Our faster than expected team are competent to arrange cleaning service and laundry depending on your request. Our high quality on time or pickup delivery will hit your doorstep with fast-delivery.Dry Cleaning offers steam ironing using vacuum press tables. The temperature control iron boxes ensure different types of garments get appropriate heat for pressing.
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Directory News :

April 2015 - Directory relaunched!

January 2016 - Directory moved to a new host!

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