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Beauty konjac sponge supplier

Title: Beauty konjac sponge supplier
URL: https://www.pusponge.com/
Description: Cellulose sponge is a new, practical material that is a perfect fit for the latest environmental protection policies. Cellulose sponge is delicate and safe for a child's body. For Barbers : Owing to its high resistance to heat, cellulose sponge can be used as a hygienic shaving cloth that can be easily sanitized with hot water. For soldering iron: You can make the most of its high heat resistivity to clean soldering iron tips. It can also be useful after absorbing water. An unique painting toolCellulose sponge can be used to create a 3D expression on the painted area when drawing water-based ink in a dry pressed layer. This attribute makes the cellulose sponge the perfect tool ideal for innovative and displays purposes. The unique porosity provides a large surface area with an open cell structure. Therefore, the natural cellulose sponge is able to absorb 20 to 27 times its own dry weight of water and retain this in its pore structure. The cellulose sponge will retain the liquid until this capacity is reached. This feature can also be seen with other fluids such as motor oil, petroleum, gasoline, and also diluted acid (e. g. formic acid or nitric acid). Cosmetic: Health spas are becoming very popular across the world. Compressed sponge and non-compressed sponge products are used for makeup removal and various other face and body treatments. We sell our products to distributors who serve this market. We can die-cut specific shapes and sizes and even do custom packaging. Soldering: Compressed sponge and non-compressed sponge has long been used by the electronics manufacturing market as an accessory to clean the tip of a soldering gun. We sell to distributors and manufacturers who serve this market niche.
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