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Autonomous Floor Cleaner

Title: Autonomous Floor Cleaner
URL: https://www.naviarobotics.com/
Description: Vacuum 40 is the best commercial autonomous vacuuming robot on the market. It's built to last, it's a workhorse that can handle 12,000ft² per hour of vacuuming, and has a cavernous 3 gallon dust bin to handle large areas without interruption. Features a rich plethora of sensors, including LIDAR, 3D Depth cameras, 3D ToF sensors, anti-drop sensors and collision sensors to ensure it doesn't get lost and avoids all obstacles. Scrubber 50 is a compact commercial floor scrubbing solution. With deep learning algorithms and an advanced sensor suite, it can handle dynamic environments and adjust its path on the fly to ensure there aren't any missed spots when cleaning. Highly productive with a speed of up to 19,000ft² per hour, it's designed to handle the vast majority of retail or institutional operations anywhere.
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