Games category in Catine Web Directory is only for submitting websites about games. Please submit/add your games websites. What’s the difference between dubbed and subbed anime? Anime comes in two formats: Dubbed and subbed. Subbed anime plays the original Japanese vocal track for the show or movie you’re watching with English (or whatever language you’re watching in) subtitles. Dubbed anime, on the other hand, features an English-speaking cast of voice-over actors working from a translated script. There are advantages to both formats. Subtitled anime, when done right, gives you the most accurate version of the original version, down to the vocal inflection of the Japanese-speaking actors. Dubbed titles offer more of a mixed bag, especially with other series and films. American anime dubs in the ’80s and ’90s were often laughably wrong, due to cheap production budgets. Most modern titles have fixed this issue, but you’re more likely to see voiceovers that don’t sync with the characters’ mouths in dubbed versions. ... Listing Page | How about a fight that involves only the use of Grenades, Sensor Mines, and green gas bombs. Wouldn’t that be interesting? Yeah definitely. But there is a problem! In this game bombs are limited in numbers, we can carry at most four at a time. Not a problem, has compiled an unlimited bomb hack version for you. This hack is a modified version of the original app that lets you throw an infinite number of bombs at your opponent. On top of that, this hack has unlimited sensor mines (aka Proximity mines) which blasts off players that are in a radius of 10 meters(according to game’s scale). ... Listing Page | IO games are trendy and in this article we will take a look a few of them. Players navigate levels on this multiplayer third person shooter using their WASD keys, and have to aim and shoot at their opponents using their mouse. Choose between different shooter classes and earn new dudes for your marksman to wear the longer you play. ... Listing Page | Play online on ZGames. Sports game is a game genre similar to playing sports. Most sports were recreated with the help of the game, including football, team sports, athletics, extreme sports and martial arts. In some games, special attention is paid to sports, while others emphasize strategy and management of sports. Some make fun of sport for a comic effect. This genre has been popular throughout the history of video games and competitive, as in real sport. A series of game series contains the names and characteristics of real teams and players and is updated annually to reflect real changes. The sports genre is one of the oldest genres in game history. Regularly updated list of games for fun and playing online on your mobile and PC. We're a place providing free online html5 games for your entertainment. Games playable both on mobile devices and PCs. All games embedded at are owned by their respective authors and developers. ... Listing Page | With the latest update of the clash of clans private servers you can play the game with builder base amazing things is that no root device is required to install the game on the android devices. You would hear a lot that private servers need rooted devices for modified Apk to install but this is only a myth. To install and play the game you don’t need a rooted device for Android and jailbreak for Apple devices. This COC hack works smoothly on the non-rooted devices that are is checked by our team before writing this article. So, to enjoy unlimited Gold, Elixir and unlimited everything you don’t need a rooted or jailbreak device you just have to install the APK on the non-rooted devices. Download game enjoys playing. Clash of Clans Private Server Apk Free Download Yes, You can download COC private server Apk 2017 download from here free of cost and with 100% Secure way. we test all the Apk manually before to put it for download so you can enjoy the game. Clash of Clans Private Server IOS if you are looking for ios version of clash of clans private server you are at right place from here you can download COC private server for Apple Devices ( i phone ) just click on the download button and before downloading the game select the version you want to download i.e. Android or IOS. ... Listing Page | There are four main aspects of CS:GO that can tell anyone whether you’re new at the game or have been playing it for a long time. By changing and improving on these four aspects you can quickly work your way up the ranks and prove to everyone that you are actually a decent player of CS:GO. Your movement matters a lot in CS:GO. From the way you leave spawn to how you attack site, there are things that you need to keep in mind, especially if you’ve just started CS:GO and want to get better. The first thing that you should know is that you will always move faster when holding your knife. A very basic thing I know, but it can make a difference when attacking or defending a site. Even grenades slow you down so make sure to equip your knife when you know there’s no one waiting and you need to cross distance fast. You should also keep your movement in mind when you are engaging in a firefight. Moving forward and backward messes with your aim while fighting. You should try to strafe as much as you can because that way you can reset your aim easily when transitioning from movement. An example will make this clearer. Suppose you are moving left and see a person. Don’t start firing immediately. Reset your aim by pushing right, aka ‘D’, so that your aim solidifies and you get a more accurate shot. The more practice you get with this technique, the more accurate your first shot will be. You should also keep in mind that you are wildly inaccurate when moving so jumping shots and sprinting shots are out of the question. The hallmark of a good player is that they stop fire a few bullets and move again so that they can be accurate and still protect themselves from bullets. ... Listing Page |[map-infographic] From the original Zelda games on the NES to GoldenEye 007 on the N64 and Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas on the PS2, we take a look at the consoles of choice for retro gamers across America. Released in 2001, the Game Boy Advance (GBA) was touted as the natural successor to the Game Boy and the Game Boy Colour. It's hard to believe that it was released after the Playstation 2, which we'll take a closer look at in a minute. Selling over 80 million units in its lifetime, the Game Boy Advance was eventually succeeded by the Nintendo DS. The DS is backwards compatible with GBA titles and that may be another reason for the device's enduring popularity. It's also the only handheld video games console on the list. You never forget the first time you completed Super Mario Bros. You never forget the first time you held the iconic Playstation 1 controllers. And you never forget when the best way to troubleshoot a game was to blow the cartridge. Times have changed and new consoles have come and gone, but there's still something to be said about those iconic gaming systems that we were raised on. Their games have a unique charm that no amount of fancy graphics can make up for, which is why we turn to emulators and why original NES games still in their boxes go for thousands of dollars on eBay. The infographic below shows the most popular retro consoles by state based on the number of games, controllers, and systems sold in each state from 1999 to 2019. More than 2.5 million retro games in all. What can we say about the Playstation 2 that hasn't been said elsewhere? There's a reason for the enduring popularity of the system. The quality and quantity of games, the pure strength of the system from a technical point of view and the fact that it's so sleek and aesthetically pleasing. The Playstation 2 was introduced back in 2000 and holds the distinction of being the highest selling games console of all time, with over 155 million sales of the console and 1.5 billion sales of its 3800+ video games. It also had a 12-year lifespan, with production not stopping until January 2013, seven years after the introduction of the Playstation 3. Perhaps it's no wonder that it ended up at the top of our list. ... Listing Page | We bring daily updates to our games and each day we’re trying to report the errors that we receive from the users of this community. We want to know what games you like and would like for us to post and that is why we have created a special section Game Requests. There you can ask us for any game that has appeared on the market and we will post it on the website in the shortest time possible. ... Listing Page |