Health Services
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Regular Links Xenon Health provides anesthesia services to ambulatory practices throughout the nation. We have close to two decades of clinical and administrative experience with anesthesia delivery. ... Listing Page | The combination of our experienced sonographers and up to date equipment allows us to give you a wonderful glimpse of your unborn baby. You will be able to see your little one inside you – moving, sometimes yawning, opening their eyes and even smiling. Often you can see your baby sucking their thumb, kicking and wriggling within your uterus. All of this of course provides you with a lovely experience, and the reassurance all parents-to-be need to relax and enjoy the rest of their pregnancy. Many parents return several times for scans at different times during their pregnancy, from their Early Dating scans from 6-8 weeks onwards, right through Gender scans at about 16- 17 weeks, and then 3/4D Bonding scans from 23 weeks right through to 32 weeks or later. The 3/4D scans in particular are able to give a parents-to-be a really lovely peek at their baby and nearly all of our clients go on to say how much these scans have meant to them, and how much they have valued the experience and the opportunity to have this special bonding moment with their little ones. Baby Moments 3D 4D Ultrasound Scan Centre Oxfordshire Business Address: Unit 3 Orchard Centre Didcot, Oxfordshire OX11 7LL Business Hours: Monday Closed Tuesday 9:00 AM – 7:00 PM Wednesday Closed Thursday 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM Friday Closed Saturday 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM Sunday Closed Phone: 08000075076 ... Listing Page | Hypnotherapy helps you become unstuck. While in Hypnosis you are guided to access your internal resources in order to resolve whatever is getting in the way of you living the life you want to live. Often my clients are not aware of the resources they have available to them because they may have been blocked by negative life experiences and thought patterns. Hypnosis helps remove such blocks and this creates a remarkably positive shift in mindset for my clients. Here at Hypfocus I specialise in the treatment of Anxiety Disorders however I also help people with a wide range of issues. ?Hypnosis is a focused state of absorption during which deep insight and lasting change can be achieved. I see my clients gain new perspectives that open up a world of possibilities to them. It's one of the most rewarding aspects of my profession. Often we become stuck in an issue because we believe that the solution to our problem is not available to us. Our problem can become our identity e.g. "I am anxious" "I am depressed" "I am an addict" "I am fat" "I am not good enough" Hypnosis helps us correct this perspective so that we can separate ourselves from the issue and find ways to resolve it. Address: 10 Conder Way, Mentone, Melbourne, Victoria, 3194. tel:0435923817 ... Listing Page | Destinées principalement aux médecins spécialistes en gynéco-obstétrique, radiologie, génétique ou généralistes, nos sessions offrent une formation complète en échographie. Au sein du Centre de Radiologie Abou Madi a été créé Le Cercle d’échographie gynéco obstétricale (CEGO) dont l’objet est la promotion de la qualité de l’échographie gynéco-obstétricale et fœtale au Maroc. Pour cela : Le CEGO élabore des programmes de Développement Professionnel Continu (DPC). Il s’engage dans l’ensemble du dispositif de mise en place du DPC sur un plan national ; elle propose un DPC conforme aux dispositions réglementaires et légales qui le régissent ; la pluralité d’origine de ses membres : médecins de spécialités différentes, sages-femmes, praticiens de santé, autorise une programmation pluri-professionnelle tenant compte des recommandations. Il coordonne des travaux scientifiques, facilite les relations et les échanges entre ses Membres, organise des journées de travail. Il s’intéresse au contrôle de qualité concernant tant les appareils à ultrasons médicaux que la pratique des actes d’ultrasonologie et à tous les thèmes qu’elle estime utiles aux buts qu’elle poursuit. Il élabore des programmes de Formation Continue pour ses membres et pour les praticiens de santé. Ces formations peuvent être initiées par le CEGO ou s’inscrire dans le cadre réglementaire de la FMC régionale ou nationale. Il participe à la mise en place des référentiels et des programmes d’Evaluations des Pratiques Professionnelles. Il peut travailler avec d’autres institutionnels à l’amélioration de la sécurisation des pratiques et la gestion des risques. Il s’engage dans l’ensemble du dispositif d’accréditation des médecins, toutes spécialités confondues, conformément aux dispositions réglementaires et légales qui le régissent. Il peut également intervenir pour défendre les intérêts professionnels de ses Membres. CEGO - Cercle d'Echographie Gynéco-Obstétricale - est un organisme basé à Casablanca dont l'objet est la formation aux techniques de l'échographie au Maroc. 06 88 61 66 65 25, rue Ilya Abou Madi ex Buffon, Gauthier, Casablanca ... Listing Page | Perched on a hill overlooking the Pacific Ocean, Dana Point Rehab Campus provides exclusive treatment in one of the most picturesque locations in Southern California. Our well-appointed, upscale residential treatment facility was designed especially for people who desire privacy, exclusivity, and the very best alcohol and drug addiction treatment available. The accredited drug and alcohol addiction treatment programs at Dana Point Rehab Campus combines the latest research on substance use disorders and evidence-based best practices with our unique principles developed over many years of experience. With each and every resident, we provide individualized, patient-based planning along with supportive, compassionate and respectful care. Whether you are part of our residential, in-patient program or our intensive outpatient treatment program, it’s our high level of care that sets us far from other providers in the state. ... Listing Page | Do you suffer with Migraines, Nausea, Bloating, Diarrhoea, Constipation, Fatigue, Skin Rashes and Eczema, Stomach Cramps, Brain fog, Lethargy or constant tiredness? These are just some of the symptoms of food intolerances, food sensitivity and intolerances. We provide a simple intolerance test that can identify the potential causes and allow you to make changes to your diet or your life that can ease these symptoms. Our non-invasive test uses the very latest bioresonance technology and requires you to send in just a small hair sample and within 10 days from it being received at our lab you will have your results. Our test is the most comprehensive intolerance test available testing you against over 600 items including food items such as Wheat, Gluten, Dairy, Lactose and Nuts and non-food items such as pollen and dust mites. ... Listing Page | Dr. Ramya specialises in Gynaecological & Obstetrics problems ,Antenatal & Postnatal Care ,High Risk Pregnancies ,PCOS/PCOD Management, Infertility Treatment ,Lactation Consultancy, Lamaze Breathing Technique ,Pregnancy Fitness & Yoga, Diet & Nutrition during Pregnancy ,Clinical Nutrition. Dr. Ramya strives to provide the most comprehensive & Individualized care to the patients. She believes in making patients understand their symptoms, diagnosis, and the proper steps to take towards optimal health. ... Listing Page | Here at Ink Illusions, we thrive on helping people get back their confidence, no matter what your story is. If you are considering medical skin tone tattooing for either scalp micropigmentation, areola reconstruction, or scar / stretch mark camouflage, please let in touch and we would be happy to answer any queries you may have. Areola reconstruction through medical tattooing can create the illusion of a 3D nipple and areola following breast cancer and mastectomy. 3D nipple and areola tattoos can help breast cancer survivors recovering their self esteem after cancer. They allow emotional healing and are a simple and nice way to finish the reconstruction process without any surgery. ... Listing Page |