Home Improvement
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http://www.glarmester-amager.dk/ Din Lokale Glarmester på Amager er til for vores kunder på Amager. Med mange års erfaring inden for faget samt altid opdateret med de nyeste teknikker kan vi tilbyde glarmesterarbejde til de bedste priser. Vores arbejdsområder omfatter bl.a.: Lavenergi-Thermoruder Alle former for reparationsopgaver herunder indbrudsskader m.m. Forsatsvinduer Lavenergi - termoruder Tilskæring af glas Brusedøre Spejle Nye døre & vinduer Sikkerhedsglas til trapper & terrasser Butiksruder Glasfacader Ring på tlf: 43 43 43 69 for et godt og uforpligtend tilbud. Vi er en lille virksomhed uden stor administration. Dette kommer vores kunder til gode gennem fornuftige priser, høj kvalitet og stor fleksibilitet. Geografisk dækker vi naturligvis hele Amager herunder Tårnby, Sundby, Kastrup samt Dragør. Har du brug for glas i specialmål? Så kontakt Glarmester Amager. Vi er skærer glas i alle mål til. f.eks. reoler, brusedøre- og vægge, glas i gulv og meget mere. Kun fantasien sætter grænsen. Har du akut brug for hjælp kan vi kontaktes 24/7 på 43 43 43 69 ... Listing Page |
http://tilesetter-longbeach.com/ Services Full bathrooms and kitchens, backsplashes, counter tops, showers, tub surrounds, floors, porches, patios, fireplaces, and barbeques Expert with ceramic tile, stone, slate, marble, travertine, granite, glass tile, glass block, and stone fabrication Float technique Hot mop shower pans or 40ml membrane material Demo Prep work Haul away Carpentry Plumbing Shower valves Drains Wall repair Painting Cabinet installs Most of all, you get one multi-talented contractor in your home, not one for each individual project! So, don’t hesitate. Call Jeff at Roberts Tile and make your tile dreams come true! ... Listing Page |
https://amenajariinterioarebotosani.com/ Echipa Tristar Construct va aduce la dispozitie serviciile sale in domeniul Instalatiilor Electricte. Aceste servicii presupun realizarea instalatiei electrice in locuinta dumneavoastra. Instalatia electrica este un aspect extrem de important, ea trebuind sa fie realizata numai de catre experti in domeniu, pentru a evita eventualele probleme care pot sa apara. O instalatie electria prost realizata este un adevarat pericol, putand genera un incendiu in orice moment. Din acest motiv Tristar Construct a selectat cu atentie inginerii si subinginerii electrotehnici care sa presteze aceste servicii. Astfel dumneavoastra aveti atat garantia sigurantei locuintei, cat si garantia unei lucrari de calitate, care nu va necesita alte interventii de mentenanta in viitorul apropiat. Este vorba despre realizarea si imbunatatirea sistemului de scurgere si canalizare a apei menajere, modificarea tevilor de alimentare cu apa curenta (fie de la reteaua de apa, fie din sursa proprie), instalarea cazilor de baie si a cabinelor de dus cu diverse functionalitati, precum si a chiuvetelor, masinilor de spalat rufe sau vase, etc. Echipa noastra de profesionisti va realiza doar lucrari de calitate superioara, oferindu-va siguranta ca instalatia dumneavoastra sanitara nu va necesita nicio interventie in viitorul apropiat! ... Listing Page |
https://globalsolarsupply.com/ We have worked for many electrical companies, as an apprentice, lead foreman and supervisor for a variety of different projects including simple residential electrical installations to very complex control systems including SCADA, PLC and relay based systems. We specialize in helping you put together entire systems for your solar projects, both small and large.We welcome your calls and questions. Thank you for being part of our growing business. Joe Omweg – Founder Global Solar Supply Ventura, CA Global Solar Supply ; 1082 Front Street Suite E ; Ventura, CA ; 93001 ; Phone (+1) 805.218.1151 ; Email: info@globalsolarsupply.com ; Hours of Operation ; Monday:10-6 PM ; Tuesday:10-6 PM ; Wednesday:10-6 PM ; Thursday:10-6 PM ; Friday:10-6 PM ; Saturday:10-6 PM ; Sunday Closed ; ... Listing Page |
https://www.acservicedubai.com/ AC Service Dubai by Cool and Cool Air Condition System is a Dubai based company, with vast knowledge & years of experience in the HVAC Field, from a preventive maintenance & gas top up to installing a complete Ducted AC System, from Split Units to Advance Chillers units we have the expertise to provide and handle all the issues, with number of Emergency teams and vehicle we always put priority to all of our customers and have a record of fast diagnosis and ac repair in Dubai. With an emergency team of technicians & professionals, AC Service Dubai is always available and with years of experience in the air conditioning field. service, ac installation, ac maintenance & ac repair Dubai. In your needs of ac maintenance in Dubai, we are the leading service provider with a team of professionals who have work experience in Dubai and have a knowledge of almost all the major & minor troubleshoots of your aircon unit. We provide maintenance, repair and gas top-up services for all major brands and types of Air conditioning units. Best Air Conditioning Company in Dubai Regular AC maintenance is necessary for your AC unit to give optimal performance. We are one of the most experienced AC maintenance and AC repair services in Dubai and we have serviced and maintained many AC units both residential as well as commercial in Arabian Ranches, Springs and Meadows in Dubai. Apart from these locations, we are offering our entire range of AC related services throughout Dubai. ... Listing Page |
https://lpgcertified.com/ One Perfect Solution Limited is an experienced gas safety and electrical contractor, providing a variety of professional services for the commercial and domestic market. We operate within London and the surrounding areas, delivering a first-class testing and certification service that is both friendly and efficient. We are proud to be members of multiple professional organisations and conduct our work to meet and exceed industry standards. Our accreditations include: NICEIC, the Gas Safe Register, NCASS, CompEx (explosive environment electrical testing), and NAPIT.LPG certified provides a bespoke and professional service. Repair and certification for commercial, kitchen and mobile catering vans selling street food on London roads. We always make sure our clients comply with safety regulations. Our early service reminders offer peace of mind to our clients.Our Planned Preventative Maintenance (PPM) ensures our customers get the most from their assets. It can prolong the life of your building infrastructure, boiler and equipment, and can prevent the need for expensive remedial engineering work. When a building’s services are running efficiently, our customers make additional savings in electricity and fuel costs. For apartment buildings, passing those savings on to occupants can also enhance your resident relations. We offer tailored services so you can select what you need. And when the plant comes to the end of its life, we can help with design and installation. We’ve got a range of cover options, from a standalone product to those that include cover for other areas of your home, to help keep your boiler and gas central heating working as they should be. A warm home and hot water are things you rely on every day, so we’ve added some extra features to the gas policies, we offer to make life a little bit easier if something goes wrong. Our Famous Breakdown Cover provides free Annual Boiler service, Landlord gas safety certificate (CP12) and callout 24/7. Landlords with multiple rented properties in their portfolio enjoy peace of mind while our dedicated team work hard. Lpg Certified, 316A Ruislip Rd E, Greenford UB6 9BH, UK, tel:00447724450054 ... Listing Page |
https://plumbisimo.co.uk/ Plumbisimo is a Warrington based company that provides Plumbing, Heating, and Gas Engineering services to the customers. Our first plumbing memories are quite hard to remember. Why? Because I grew up in this plumbing environment. My father was a plumbing specialist. He is a highly qualified and successful engineer in the industry of plumbing. So what I want to say is that these pipes and fittings were around me since my childhood. They became a huge part of my life. I can say that my father was the one who showed me this path. Looking like toys and fun in childhood, these pipes and fittings suddenly became my passion when I grew up. I wanted to make the most of out of this interesting opportunity. Therefore, I decided to make Plumbisimo happen. The path of Plumbisimo was family to me. Plumbing and Gas engineering is a never-ending education process, but this is exactly what makes this industry more interesting and fun to explore. Plumbisimo does not take the work as a source of income only but it considers it as passionate engineering work. Our passion is to help our customers and fix their issues in every possible way in order to make their life easier. A satisfied customer is a happy customer and happiness is what makes the world a better place. So, let’s do it. ... Listing Page |
http://brighterimagecarpet.com Our carpet protection service can protect your carpet against everything, from general wear and tear to spills, stains and even mud and grime. Our carpet protector works best after a professional carpet cleaning, or on brand new carpet to provide extra protection. Once the formula has been applied, our technicians will then go over the carpet with a pile brush, to ensure that it has reached the deepest fibers to ensure maximum protection. Our formula also helps to stop spills from staining your carpet, making cleaning much easier so you never need to worry about stubborn stains. Whether you need a full cleaning and protection or simply just a preventative measure for your new carpet, we can do it all and more and at a very affordable price. Our technicians know exactly how to apply the formula to ensure the best results, as well as targeting those hard to reach areas so you will be completely covered.We understand that if you have just had your carpet cleaned, the last thing you want is to have it stained again in a week’s time. That is why our protection services are fully designed to protect your carpet from grime, soils and accidental spills, keeping your carpet stain free in between professional cleanings. We use a specialized formula which acts as a barrier around the carpet fibers. This formula repels spills, blocks stains and resists soiling. Customers will also find that after our protector is applied the carpet will not be left soaking wet as we thoroughly rake the solution into the fibers and set up air movers for faster drying. ... Listing Page |